In here, you'll find all of the things you have to know from the quiz class.
The required type is always displayed next to each parameter. When an Array element is displayed, each type is inside the brackets.
constructor (name: string, questions: Array<Question>)
// Adds a new question to the quiz
.addQuestion(questions: Array<Question>|Question)
// Adds a new question to the quiz, only if it's not set yet
.addQuestionIfNotSet(questions: Array<Question> or Question)
// Gets a question by its index (starting from 0)
.getQuestion(index: number)
// Gets a random question
// Deletes a question by its index
.removeQuestion(index: number)
// Checks if the question is already added
.hasQuestion(question: Question)
// Adds a new users (if not set) to the quiz
.addUser(name: Array<string>|string)
.addUserIfNotSet(name: string)
// Deletes a user by his name
.removeUser(name: string)
// Gets a user by his name
.getUser(name: string)
// Following proprties can only be used after the getUser method!
// Gets the ID of the user (basically the index of the user in the users array property)
// Gets the user's score
// Every right answer gives +1 score
// Gets the question the user has to anwer
// After each time the player answers, this will increase by 1
// Checks if the user has finished the quiz
// Lets the user answer a question with a certain choice
// The callbacks can act like events for a correct/an incorrect answer
// Callback parameters:
// Correct: name (name of user)
// Wrong: correctAnswer, name (name of user)
.letAnswer(name: string, choice: string, callbackRight: Function, callbackWrong: Function)
// All the question are stored here
// These are from the class Question and is an array
// All the users are stored here
// The name of the quiz